Friday, March 4, 2011

unexpected deaths

A conflict in the book Dirty South by Phillip Thomas Duck, was and unexpected death. A five year old boy was outside of his grandmother house playing, when a group of boys decided to do a drive by.  They end up shooting the five year old, and he died. This was sad because he didn’t deserve what his innocents and life taking away. You never know what tomorrow brings , and its not promised to you.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

back up plans

In the book dirty south by Phillip Thomas Duck, a character name Fiasco, is a rapper, and he sold platinum’s and mad millions. Now he’s on tour and he’s not making any money. Clubs didn’t want him to preform, and the ones that did wanted him to perform didn’t want to pay him. I feel that this is a problem, because everybody need a backup plan , in case one of the plans fail .

Teenage Love Affairs

In the book Dirty South, is about girl who is going off to college with her best friend, and she is facing boyfriend problems. When her relationship starts to go downhill, both of the partners begin to lose a lot of feelings for each other. Then this causes one partner to cheat on the other. Cheating can cause a lot of distress and it can also lead you to a disturbed, depressed, and hurtful relationship. My advice to teens and adults is : if your relationship not going good, or well talk it out. If talking it out don’t help then its best to end the relationship before both partners get their feelings hurt.